English rabbits.
Sable rabbits.
My rabbits.
New litters.
For sale.
Care sheets.
Hand rearing.
Cylap reaction.
Food and hutches.
See how they grow!.
In their new homes.
Guinea pigs.
In memory of.

©  All photographs and

text are copyright

Fiona Wase, 2006-2025


Please do not use

anything from this website without my permission.



To read about the terrible adverse reactions that several of my rabbits experienced in 2008 after being injected with the Cylap VHD vaccination,

please see the separate page called Cylap reaction.


I have also heard the sad news that a rabbit has now died following awful complications after receiving the Cylap VHD vaccine.


Please see the Cylap reaction page. Please note that this vaccine is no longer available in the UK, having been superseded by the combined myxomatosis/VHD vaccine (Nobivac) and more recently the VHD2/RHD2 vaccine (Filavac).


I am pleased that there is now a combined VHD/myxomatosis vaccine, my rabbits have all been receiving it since 2012 with no side effects whatsoever and in addition have had the Filavac vaccine since 2016 as well as the triple vaccine which came out in 2020.

Exhibition rabbits are required to wear a metal ring on one of their hind legs for the purposes of registration and identification. These rings come in different sizes according to the breed of rabbit and are purchased from the British Rabbit Council.


For many decades the size for English rabbits was a D size.

From the beginning of 2016 this size was increased to an E size, despite members of the National English Rabbit Club voting against this change in a ballot some years earlier.


The change was brought in anyway and unfortunately resulted in a broken leg in Hickory, one of my rabbits, due to the fact it was able to slide down onto the lower part of the leg and get stuck there. Hickory is now fine, but had to undergo surgery and many weeks of restricted space. The same has also happened to other English rabbits belonging to other breeders.


If you show English rabbits please be aware of the fact that this could occur. Please contact me if you require any further

information about what happened.

From April 2020 a new 3 in 1 vaccine became available!


This is called Nobivac Myxo-RHD Plus and protects against myxomatosis and

BOTH strains of Viral Haemorrhagic Disease (VHD1 and VHD2),

also called Rabbit Haemorrhagic Disease (RHD1 and RHD2)


Until now your rabbit has needed two vaccines per year -

Nobivac for myxomatosis and RHD1/VHD1

and either Filavac or Eravac to protect against the new strain of VHD/RHD (called VHD2/RHD2).

The new vaccine can be used from seven weeks of age -  all baby rabbits will now have this before going to their new homes, due to the high number of cases of RHD2 all over the UK.


The cost at my vets for the Nobivac Myxo-RHD Plus vaccination as of February 2024 has unfortunately increased to £67 per rabbit including full health check, or £52 with a basic health check. This is still quite a bit cheaper than the price some vets charge, although it’s disappointing that the price has risen twice in the last year.

This cost will be added to the purchase price, and you will receive a vaccination certificate to take away with you as a reminder of when the booster is due the following year.






All of my rabbits have been given the new vaccine with no side effects whatsoever.


Please contact me if you are interested in owning any of my rabbits!

All of my baby rabbits are now vaccinated with Nobivac Myxo-RHD Plus by my vet at the age of seven weeks, this costs £52 with a basic health check or £67 with a full health check per rabbit, and protects them against myxomatosis and both strains of RHD/VHD for a year.
With the advent of the triple vaccine in 2020 I decided to only sell fully vaccinated rabbits from that point forward, and I hope that this will be a bonus in the eyes of their new owners.

Before accepting your reservation on any of my rabbits I will ask you lots of questions and request to see photos of your set up to ensure that my rabbits are going to forever homes and that you have done your research. I am also very happy to be asked lots of questions in return!

I do not take early reservations, this is due to baby rabbits being very vulnerable, you will be able to reserve from around the age of 6 or 7 weeks, however you are welcome to express interest before this age.

I require a deposit to reserve any rabbit, I will hold for up to 72 hours but if a deposit has not been received by that time then the rabbit will become available again. This is due to many time wasters in the past.


Please contact me if you feel you can offer any of my available
rabbits an amazing new home!


Please visit the For sale page for

more information about the

baby rabbits who are now looking for their forever homes!

Find me on Facebook and Instagram -
English rabbits (private group)
Fully vaccinated young rabbits ready now!

Zelda, a young blue spotted English doe was found to have escaped her run on two occasions in May, and ended up in the next door run with Mulberry, one of our marten Sable bucks. Thinking that she was too young to breed, and knowing how uninterested Sables usually are in breeding we marked the date on the calendar, and when Zelda didn’t gain weight or alter her behaviour we thought we were in the clear.

Imagine our surprise on June 12th when we discovered a nest of eight babies!

One sadly died the next day but the remaining seven were raised brilliantly by Zelda, there are five spotty babies and two that are more Sable like, we are very interested to see what their coats will be like as they develop.



Photos below show some of the ones who are still available, they have been vaccinated by my vet, are fully weaned and are now ready to leave!!

Please contact me if you’d like to offer a perfect new home to a
rabbit (or rabbits) from me!

These babies are looking for their new  homes and are ready to leave now, they are fully weaned, used to eating a variety of green food and forage, and are partly litter tray trained! They were vaccinated at the age of seven weeks old, as all my rabbits are, and immunity has now been achieved.

They are also old enough to be neutered now (two already have been by their new owners) if you were looking for a companion for an existing rabbit.